Award Won!

Best Social Media Crowdsourcing Game

Award Won!

Best XR (VR/AR/MR) Game (Available 2019-present)

Street Smarts VR

Street Smarts VR


Street Smarts VR

Dev Category:

Release Year:

Street Smarts VR is a decision-making game utilizing VR to simulate challenging situations faced by first responders while in the line of duty.

Game Overview

The primary skills supported in our game are verbal communication skills and critical problem solving. The game provides a safe and realistic training area where one can get exposure to (and successfully solve) these challenges several times before actually dealing with it for the first time on the street.

The goal is for the player to de-escalate each challenge in an efficient and effective manner, preserving the safety of everyone involved, including their own. Every scenario has the ability for the instructor to control avatars to respond in various ways, so the player is engaging with a thinking, reactive adversary. The player has the ability to choose between verbal, less-than-lethal, or lethal outcomes, depending on the severity of the situation.

Police Officers, First Responders, and Military Service Members, 18+.

Learning occurs through the combination of user statistics that are captured, along with the feedback of a peer or seasoned instructor evaluating how the player engages in the game. Certain data is helpful in determining effectiveness of our goal, such as number of training scenarios completed, overall time in training, number of shots fired, number of peaceful de-escalations, etc. Learning occurs through the combination of user statistics that are captured, along with the feedback of a peer or seasoned instructor evaluating how the player engages in the game. Data is collected to measure the effectiveness of game goals, such as number of training scenarios completed, overall time in training, number of shots fired, number of peaceful de-escalations, etc. Learning occurs through the combination of user statistics that are captured, along with the feedback of a peer or seasoned instructor evaluating how the player engages in the game.

Game Specs

Game Engine
Operating System

Game Video

Play the video below to learn more about Street Smarts VR