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Best Social Media Crowdsourcing Game

BlueRoom Mixed Reality Simulator Screen Shot

BlueRoom Mixed Reality Simulator


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BlueRoom is an innovative mixed reality simulator that integrates fine motor skill training with immersive decision-making scenarios set within the familiar environments of an aircraft. Whether it’s a medic administering drugs in an MH60 over the desert or a doctor performing a surgical procedure in the rear of a C130J flying over the Pacific, BlueRoom facilitates an unrivaled training experience. The game’s groundbreaking feature, Mission Control, allows facilitators to modify every scenario aspect, including patient condition, environment, airframe, loadout while tracking trainees’ biometrics and documenting all data in a personalized performance report for debriefing. Funded through the Australian Defence Innovation Hub and utilized by the Royal Australian Air Force, BlueRoom represents a pioneering step in military training.

Game Overview

BlueRoom allows a networked team of up to four trainees and two facilitators to practice fine motor skills, teamwork and decision making involved with aeromedical evacuation and other rear cabin crew procedures, as they familiarize themselves with different aircraft and loadouts.

The main goal of the game was to solve the problem of access to airframes for the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) aeromedical teams for training. A goal which has been clearly achieved as observed by the current procurement and use of the system by RAAF. Secondary goals were to reduce the familiarization time required by VR and incorporate real-time biometric data to support trainee assessment. As BlueRoom is a MR simulator there is no reliance on controllers as in VR, thus significantly reducing the familiarization time required. A student simply needs to pop the headset on and perform exactly as they would in the real world. Biometric evaluation was achieved through a partnership with Garmin and a custom app called BlueRoom Biometrics that utilizes the Garmin SDK to pull real-time data from a wearable on the student into BlueRoom mission control.

Flight medics and rear cabin crew operators for both rotary and fixed-wing aircraft in the military and civilian sectors.

Learning skills and ideas are measured through observation by an experienced facilitator and the assistance of a mission control interface. Mission control logs every event that occurs, changes in patient condition and trainees biometric/stress data. The facilitator adds to this by measuring specific clinical or specialist interventions related to the objectives of the lesson. On completion of the scenario, a detailed report is generated which logs every event that occurred, all of the trainees actions, logged video references and time stamped biometrics. Thus, during debriefing the facilitator and student can review every event that occurred, the patient condition, responses to treatment and time stamped biometric and stress levels.

Game Specs

Game Engine
Operating System

Game Video

Play the video below to learn more about BlueRoom Mixed Reality Simulator