2020 Competition

A Year in review

2020 Recap

Leadership Team

  • Industry Chair: Jennie Ablanedo, UCF
  • Government Lead: Ben Little, PEOSTRI
  • Director: Jenn McNamara, BreakAway Games

A Unique Virtual Event

In celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the SGS&C, our vIITSEC 2020 on-demand event took our visitors on a journey through the evolution of Serious Games as experienced through the lens of past SGS&C finalists, winners, event leadership, and sponsors. Here, we told stories of how the event achieved its goals and also shared key trends that shaped our serious game history. There was no traditional challenge held in 2020 thus there are no finalists nor winners to showcase. This overview video explains the event:

Follow the link below to access all of the recorded presentations from the event.

2020 Virtual Retrospective Event

Free Access to 2020 Virtual Retrospective Event

Contest Results

Finalists & Winners