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Best Social Media Crowdsourcing Game

Virtual Cultural Awareness Trainer

Virtual Cultural Awareness Trainer


US Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) Joint Knowledge Development and Distribution Capability (JKDDC)

Dev Category:

Release Year:

Virtual Cultural Awareness Trainer is a web-based, game-based training application via JKO that teaches cultural awareness using simulated missions. VCAT uses advanced learning techniques (game-based learning, storytelling, intelligent tutoring and remediation, etc.), to help learners quickly and efficiently develop operational cultural knowledge, and acquire cultural skills.   Trainees receive an automatically tailored program of instruction, according to their country area of responsibility, mission, and mission responsibilities such as civil affairs operations and pre-deployment site surveys.

Game Overview

Gestures, basic language, interactions skills, and cultural nuances associated with each of the countries in the Horn of Africa operational area.

Players must interact with game characters in culturally correct ways to advance.

Soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines preparing for deployment as part of Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (JTF-HOA).

Players are assessed through end of module quizzes, and scores inside casual games and scenario vignettes.

Game Specs

Game Engine
Operating System