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TC3Sim 2020

Tactical Combat Casualty Care Simulation (2020)


Engineering & Computer Simulations, Inc.

Dev Category:

Release Year:

TC3Sim is a “first-person thinker” game to train Combat Medics and Combat Lifesavers on battlefield medical treatments and triage skills.

Game Overview

TC3Sim trains various cognitive skills of triage, treatment, US Army medical procedures, and situational awareness of safety on the battlefield (e.g. care under fire.) Specifically, TC3Sim provides assessment of Individual Competency Tasks (ICT’s) critical lifesaving skills, based on Deployed Medicine for Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TC3), Medical Education and Demonstration of Individual Competence (TC 8-800), Trauma and Medical scenario Tasks list (DA Forms 7742 and 7741) and Combat LifeSaver (CLS) Sub Course (ISO 0871B), addressing the three preventable causes of death in the battlefield.

The goal of TC3Sim is to assure that learners can appropriately triage casualties and perform the appropriate medical interventions to ensure they do not die and are evacuated from the battlefield. From there, a learner would continue to play to improve their proficiency levels and complete all scenarios to master their skills, either as part of curriculum or as refresher training.

US Army Combat Medic candidates or soldiers training to be Combat Life Savers, typically over 18 years old.

TC3Sim trains various cognitive skills of triage, treatment, US Army medical procedures, and situational awareness of safety on the battlefield (e.g. care under fire.) Specifically, TC3Sim provides assessment of Individual Competency Tasks (ICT’s) critical lifesaving skills, based on Deployed Medicine for Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TC3), Medical Education and Demonstration of Individual Competence (TC 8-800), Trauma and Medical scenario Tasks list (DA Forms 7742 and 7741) and Combat LifeSaver (CLS) Sub Course (ISO 0871B), addressing the three preventable causes of death in the battlefield. The most direct feedback system is the after-action-review (AAR) feature displayed at the completion of each scenario which gives explicit feedback in the form of a “GO/NO GO” evaluation for each critical task, as well as grading of other tasks that were completed or left incomplete. Each task also has details available that provide feedback that helps the user understand the result and provide remediation or recommendation for optimal completion. An indirect feedback system is provided to the player inherent in the nature of the non-linear simulation and physiology engine that drives the casualties and simulation states. This indirect feedback is how a player’s action or inaction has consequences that result in changes to the casualty’s outcomes. This can result in changed vitals, change in state of consciousness, or in the worst case the death of the casualty.

Game Specs

Game Engine
Operating System

Game Video

Play the video below to learn more about Tactical Combat Casualty Care Simulation (2020)