Award Won!
Best Social Media Crowdsourcing Game
Tactical Combat Casualty Care Simulation (2017)
Army Research Laboratory / HRED – STTC
TC3Sim, is a serious game developed to teach and reinforce the concepts of Tactical Combat Casualty Care. TC3Sim uses story-driven scenarios to teach and evaluate a student’s knowledge of the essential tactics, techniques and procedures required of an Army Combat Medic or Combat Life Saver. Each scenario in TC3sim is a short, goal-oriented training exercise that provides the context to train a group of key tasks within a specific mission. These key tasks include the ability to assess casualties, perform triage, provide initial treatment, and prepare a casualty for evacuation under battlefield conditions. TC3Sim supports modes where each user may select from a predetermined list of roles and avatars. Players can choose to be a Combat Lifesaver or a Combat Medic and have access to different interactions based on their role. TC3Sim also incorporates a variety of instructional development strategies to support a student’s need to master a variety of medical competencies, and to apply them in unique situations.