Award Won!

Best Social Media Crowdsourcing Game

SkydiVR Screen Shot



Freefall LLC

Dev Category:

Release Year:

Using the benefits of virtual reality, we put you in the canopy pilots seat. We can create your drop zone in virtual reality so you see and can comprehend relevant landmarks as you practice learning how to navigate your canopy to the designated landing area. We provide the ability for the instructor to add other canopies in the sky so you practice seeing and tracking them throughout your descent. Enhanced instructor tools like “Landing helper” and customized winds allow an instructor to accelerate the rate of student learning. Ascore showing how far away from the designated target you landed and the degree of safety in your landing is shown, so you can compete with others. We also provide the ability to “jump with friends” where you see someone else under canopy, they see you and you can talk to each other. So team accuracy competitions are possible.

Game Overview

Assessing distance. Assessing the effects of wind on your parachute. Seeing and comprehending landmarks and altitude points in the designated landing pattern.

To teach a student how to land their parachute safely.

Student skydivers to help them learn how to navigate their parachute to the landing area.

At the end of their jump a score is posted showing the distance they landed from the target and the degree of safety (slow vertical and slow horizontal speeds) they had when they landed.

Game Specs

Special Hardware
  • HTC Vive
  • Oculus Rift.
Game Engine
Operating System

Game Video

Play the video below to learn more about SkydiVR