Award Won!

Best Government Audience Game (Available 2022-present)

Award Won!

Best Social Media Crowdsourcing Game

Procurify Screen Shot



TiER1 Performance

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Procurify introduces gamified interactive learning as an alternative to traditional lecture style training. The introduction of interactive learning applies to multiple learning styles increasing retention and application of objectives. During the 30-minute Procurify training module, Contract Specialists, are given simulated scenarios and situations based on real-life events and asked how to respond. This
style of learning forces a deeper knowledge of the materials as Contract Specialists apply contracting knowledge to the simulated scenarios learning the procurement process.

Game Overview

The user works through a basic buy procurement ensuring all the necessary documents are present and the information in the documents matches the requirements and isn’t missing. The game reinforces training previously received allowing the user to gain experience putting their training into practice.

The challenge is to get a fictional contract awarded starting at requirements review and ending with award. The goal is to earn an “A” score by catching and correcting all the errors in the documents.

Army Contract Specialist / Army Contracting Office

Each action the user takes impacts their overall score. During the after action review they are presented with their score and can earn different “trophies” based on how well they did.

Game Specs

Game Engine
Operating System

Game Video

Play the video below to learn more about Procurify