Award Won!

Best Social Media Crowdsourcing Game

Award Won!

Best Student-Developed Game (Available 2008-present)

Pirates Of The Sea ++ Screen Shot

Pirates of the Sea++


Norfolk State University

Dev Category:

Release Year:

Pirates of the Sea++ is a 2D platformer that teaches C++ computer programming concepts. Pirates of the Sea++ was designed to create a fun and engaging 2D learning game for the player to successfully enhance their knowledge of C++ computer programming concepts, specifically basic output structure, C++ basic data types, conditional operators, and conditional statements such as if statements and while loops.

Game Overview

C++ basic output structure, C++ basic data types, conditional operators, and conditional statements such as if statements and while loops.

To acquire the treasure hidden by a pirate using C++ coding.

Students (age 18-30)

Players are given stars ranging from 1-3 based on their performance.

Game Specs

Game Engine
Operating System

Game Video

Play the video below to learn more about Pirates of the Sea++