Award Won!

Best Social Media Crowdsourcing Game

Award Won!

Students’ Choice Award (Available 2013-present)

Get A Life

Get a Life


K20 Center at the University of Oklahoma

Dev Category:

Release Year:

Students start by picking their character’s career focus from 16 clusters and decide if their character will apply to school or skip it altogether. Each level of education graduates into a different career, each with its own difficulties, challenges, and opportunities that students will have to navigate to help their character live a comfortable life. With over 96 different careers to experience, Get a Life gives students the chance to learn about the jobs they’re interested in and discover jobs they’ve never heard of before. There’s always something new to encounter and somewhere new to end up because when students create their own stories, no two are the same.

Game Overview

Education planning, Career awareness, the importance of maintaining good grades and making responsible financial decisions. Lifebalance.

Learn how to maximize your potential through education.

Middle School, 12-14 year old

The game encourages experimentation through multiple plays. Students receive immediate feedback on the outcome of their decisions and an overall assessment at the end of every play.

Game Specs

Game Engine
Operating System

Game Video

Play the video below to learn more about Get a Life