Award Won!

Best Social Media Crowdsourcing Game

Award Won!

Best Student-Developed Game (Available 2008-present)

A screenshot showing virtual paper person navigating a flooded abstract box world

Flooded Folds


Team Paper from the University of Florida and Kyoto University

Dev Category:

Release Year:

Flooded Folds is a cozy 2.5D isometric puzzle game about folding paper to reach the evacuation zone during a flood. The game educates the player about the hazards they should avoid during this kind of disaster. This information is particularly relevant against the backdrop of climate change, which is making floods more frequent and expanding their possible range.

This game was created over the course of 2 months as part of the University of Florida (UF) Cross-Cultural Engineering in Japan program. The environments take inspiration from the UF students’ travels in and around Kyoto, and much of the information present in the game was provided by Kyoto University Graduate Students doing research on disasters.

Game Overview

The game communicates information about what to do when evacuating a flood. A radio character gives advice all throughout the game. This communicates that players should pay close attention to their radios in the event of a flood.

Each level is presented as a small section of a flood evacuation route, and the end point of each level is higher than its start point. The player learns about a flood evacuation route, and they understand they should get to high ground quickly if necessary.

Levels feature sometimes unexpected hazards (ex: rushing water, downed electric wires, landslides). The game requires the player to avoid them to reach the evacuation zone. The player has an increased awareness of hazards during flood.

The player must get from low ground to high ground, while following the flood evacuation route and avoiding hazards. In many levels they must manipulate the large pieces of paper to do so successfully.

Our game is intended to educate people, ages 12 and older, in areas that might be affected by a flood.

The game does not directly quantify the player’s performance. The completion of each level is proof of their understanding. Many useful bits of information are conveyed through the radio character.

Here is the page for our game:

The game can be downloaded and unzipped from this page.

Game Specs

Game Engine
Operating System

Game Video

Play the video below to learn more about Flooded Folds