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Best Social Media Crowdsourcing Game

Crime Scene Investigation (CSI)
Dubai Police
CSI provides a training environment to simulate a crime scene to help the trainee experience investigations by carrying out various tasks.
Dubai Police
Dev Category:
Release Year:
CSI provides a training environment to simulate a crime scene to help the trainee experience investigations by carrying out various tasks.
Players learn how to deal with different crime techniques; how to use a variety of tools; looking and dialoguing witnesses; working with and protecting evidence; protecting a crime scene; coordination with the operation and experts; and correctly processing the crime scene investigation.
The goal of the game is to investigate the crime scene, resolve circumstances of the case, and solve the case.
Dubai police officers and policemen, and specifically the officers in charge of investigations
Actions are auto-evaluated and recorded in a database. The full scenario is recorded so players can go back and review, as well as trainees can give feedback. If the player forgets steps throughout the evaluation, they receive a message to notify that a task was forgotten and points are docked.