Award Won!

Best Government-Developed Game (Available 2008-2021)

Award Won!

Best Social Media Crowdsourcing Game




Education, Youth and Culture Department – Etat de Vaud- Switzerland

Dev Category:

Release Year:

CoronaQuest is a learning game which helps inform students of protective and hygiene measures and actions that can help make return to school less stressful and safer for students.

Game Overview

Learners are taught skills to help them return to school safely, learn effective hygiene skills, and build social and emotional learning skills.

Learners play cards which are counterattacks (or solutions) to the challenge cards played by their competitor, the Coronavirus, which is the computer player. The cards the learner can play counter the direct effects of the COVID-19 such as illness, symptoms, even grief or side or subsequent effects such as unemployment, loneliness, sadness, lack of social contacts, boredom and many more.

Learners ages 4 and up.

Learners are given a score when they play the “perfect counter attack” they use against each offensive card played by the Coronavirus.

Game Specs

Game Engine
Operating System

Game Video

Play the video below to learn more about CoronaQuest