Award Won!

Best Social Media Crowdsourcing Game




Innovation in Learning, Inc.

Dev Category:

Release Year:

In Clinispace, players select roles such as physician, nurse or other staff member, and meet in their selected virtual medical space to care for virtual patients in a scenario representing a crisis or a routine situation. Players must observe the patient’s vital signs, examine the patient, request labs, and select actions first to stabilize a deteriorating patient and then to determine how to correct the underlying clinical problem. Accuracy, speed, and the patient’s final state all contribute to the score. All actions are recorded for analysis.

Game Overview

Clinical diagnosis and management of a rapidly deteriorating patient.

Players must successfully stabilize and transfer all the patients while keeping the team efficiently occupied.

Healthcare professionals.

Players receive a self assessment by how well they stabilize a patient first, and an objective score second.

Game Specs

Game Engine
Operating System