Award Won!

Best Social Media Crowdsourcing Game

Award Won!

Best Student-Developed Game (Available 2008-present)

Bots & (Main)Frames

Bots & (Main)Frames


New York University Tandon School of Engineering

Dev Category:

Release Year:

The goal of the game is for players to program a robot to navigate a puzzle and reach various points indicated within. There are a total of 40 levels, each with increasing difficulty. The challenge arises from having to program the robot to reach every indicated point with a limited number of programming commands. This forces players to think carefully about what paths they should take through the puzzle and how to abstract the problem in a way that can be solved efficiently using loops and functions.

Game Overview

Bots & (Main)Frames helps players develop programming and computational thinking skills by programming Robby the robot to navigate various obstacles.

The goal is to improve the user’s skills in computational thinking.

High school seniors and college freshman, targeted ages 17 – 19.

The player’s learning of the presented skills is measured by the completion of/progression through several sets of levels within the game. Levels 1-14 consist of introducing, developing and assessing the basic computational thinking skills of algorithm building, simulation, and debugging. Levels 15-24 consists of a simple introduction to programming and computational thinking control structures in the form of loops. Levels 25-34 consists of a simple introduction to programming and computational thinking abstraction in the form of functions. The last levels, 35-40, don’t teach any new skills, but present puzzles with the highest amount of difficulty in the game.

Game Specs

Game Engine
Operating System

Game Video

Play the video below to learn more about Bots & (Main)Frames