The following materials which will be included / linked / explained in your submission package:
Entry fee registration / payment for business and non-profit entrants.
All files, installation instruction and game play directions necessary to play the game (reference: platform rules).
A high resolution organization logo (vector format preferred or minimum 300 DPI raster image).
Signed Declaration of Eligibility and Release of Liability (includes authorization to use logo and game in SGS&C marketing)
Two (2) required video files showing the play of the game (AVI, MPG, WMV, or QT format):
One (1) brief video – should not exceed 60 seconds; used for both game and SGS&C promotional activities. Videos should show key elements of the game without being excessively long.
One (1) extended video – unlimited length; support for evaluators in reviewing game submissions to ensure no critical elements are missed during play.
High resolution game screen shots (800×600 or higher)