Far-Plane is a unique role-playing game that teaches essential leadership skills through exciting challenges and quests. Set on a resource-starved planet torn among warring factions, players navigate complex political environments, unite diverse peoples and build strategic alliances to save the world. Far-Plane empowers players to evaluate situations and make decisions using critical thinking, build alliances, analyze character and motivation, and form lasting relationships with diverse individuals. These important skills in Boundary-Spanning Leadership enhance real-world leadership and relationship-building skills, making smarter, more thoughtful individuals who are better equipped for success in a rapidly changing global society.
The Highlights:
• Far-Plane: Beyond Boundaries engages players through a fictional, real-world geo-political crisis scenario.
• Far-Plane players are introduced to a proven leadership model through narrative game metaphor; apply their understanding in quests; receive immediate feedback as they earn resources and leadership points; expand their understandings as they communicate through social media with other players; and participate in virtual synchronous facilitated debriefing exercises with trained facilitators and peers to expand dialogue and develop real world transferrable leadership skills.
• To built Far-Plane, Triad worked with the Center for Creative Leadership (a top 10 ranked global leadership company) to adapt proven leadership model, Beyond Boundaries, to an interactive, online role playing game designed for scalability and engagement. The virtual blended learning design brings the best of game play, peer learning, and research to the product.
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